V-rider: Bob and Matt - one of life's milestones as new graduates - May, 2004
V-rider: Knob Jonathan thinking, "One day I'll be graduating from this place!"
V-rider: Papa and Bruce
V-rider: Matt with Granny & Papa
V-rider: Jonathan, Dad, Matt and Uncle Bruce
V-rider: Uncle Bruce with Jon and Matt
V-rider: Matthew's Citadel Graduation, May 2004
V-rider: Jon (knob), Dad, Matt (senior) in front of 4th battalion
V-rider: Brothers Matt (senior) & Jonathan (knob) in front of 4th battalion
V-rider: Matthew with fellow friends & Citadel graduates!
V-rider: Matthew's final parade before his Citadel graduation in 2004
V-rider: Newly commissioned Air Force officers
V-rider: New Air Force officers at The Citadel
V-rider: Mayer boys at Matthew's Citadel graduation
V-rider: 2004 Citadel ring - DB signed