V-rider: One-inch micrometer - outside diameter
V-rider: Ratcheting one-inch micrometer, measuring outside diameter
V-rider: Dial Caliper measuring inside diameter of a cylinder
V-rider: 1-inch discriminated to 10ths & 100ths metric
V-rider: 2-inch + of both SAE and Metric
V-rider: 1+ inches in SAE discrimination
V-rider: 2-inch of both SAE & Metric discriminations
V-rider: 6-inch metric steel ruler or scale
V-rider: Both scales of 32nds, 64ths, 10ths & 100ths
V-rider: 2 inches in 10ths and 100ths
V-rider: Cleko pliers engaging the clip
V-rider: Cleko being compressed and removed
V-rider: Cleko compressed
V-rider: Cleko fastener and cleko-loc pliers
V-rider: Railroad torpedo as seen on rail
V-rider: Railroad torpedo with lead straps
V-rider: Railroad torpedo strapped to rail
V-rider: Stephanie using her card
V-rider: Stephanie scans her card
V-rider: Julie (a fellow photographer and Flickr contributor) filming a training video
V-rider: Who IS that masked woman?
V-rider: James (instructor) & Diane (student)
V-rider: Light of sparks
V-rider: By the light of the arc
V-rider: Streaking sparks
V-rider: Bolting a hydrogen fuel-cell stack together in the lab.
V-rider: Diane with fuel cell stack in hand.
V-rider: Hydrogen Fuel Cell stack with lug numbers
V-rider: Hydrogen fuel cell - vertical
V-rider: Hydrogen fuel cell plate with gasket