V-rider: From 1942 to 2006 under water. Doolittle Raider's B-25 bomber raised from it's training site on Lake Murray, SC.
V-rider: WWII B-25 Bomber used to train Doolittle Raiders is raised in 2005 from the bottom of Lake Murray, SC, one of the Doolittle Raiders training sites in 1942.
V-rider: WWII B-25 Bomber raised from the depths of Lake Murray, about 3 miles from where I shot this picture.
V-rider: WWII B-25 Bomber raised from the depths of Lake Murray
V-rider: One of Doolittle Raider's B-25 training bombers raised from the bottom of Lake Murray, SC.
V-rider: B-25 Bomber from the depths of Lake Murray, SC
V-rider: WWII B-25 bomber raised from Lake Murray
V-rider: Scene of B-25 raised from the waters of Lake Murray, SC
V-rider: Scene at the raising of the WWII Mitchell Bomber, the B-25.
V-rider: Proud B-25 looks a little broken from the crash.
V-rider: Crane in background lifted the B-25 onto land.
V-rider: Peering inside the broken B-25
V-rider: Karen watching WWII B-25 recovery on Lake Murray
V-rider: B-25 wing that lost it's engine in Lake Murray crash.
V-rider: Crowds admiring the the B-25 just after it was pulled from it's watery grave.
V-rider: Lake Murray Dam under reconstruction - Sept. 2005
V-rider: WWII B-25 Bomber recovered from Lake Murray, SC
V-rider: Beaten, broken and left for dead, this B-25 rises again--from the depths of Lake Murray, SC!
V-rider: Karen on old Lake Murray Dam at raising of B-25
V-rider: B-25 on bottom of Lake Murray
V-rider: One of Doolittle Raider's B-25s taking off from the deck of the USS Hornet
V-rider: B-25 wings loaded on truck after being raised from Lake Murray bottom.
V-rider: WWII B-25 starboard engine lost on impact
V-rider: WWII B-25 wings loaded on trailer for transport
V-rider: B-25 fuselage loaded on truck
V-rider: B-25 bomber fuselage tied down for transport
V-rider: Part of B-25 starboard engine recovered from the depths
V-rider: B-25 engine and fuselage raised from Lake Murray, SC
V-rider: View inside B-25 fuselage after 50 years on bottom of Lake Murray, SC
V-rider: B-25 engine and part of fuselage recovered from Lake Murray, SC