V-rider: DSC01191
V-rider: Chuck preping Jill & Karen for takeoff and aerobatics in the Pitts S2B
V-rider: Karen buckling into her parachute in the Pitt's S2B before taking off
V-rider: Jill & Ralph after a flight
V-rider: Jill prepping Karen for a flight in her Pitts S2B
V-rider: Wow, what a flight!!
V-rider: Jill and Ralph taxi out. Once in the air, we'll turn that plane every which way but loose!
V-rider: Ralph buckling into a Pitts S2B for a flight that will turn that airplane every which way but loose!
V-rider: Jill & Karen
V-rider: After flight, we're pulling up to the hangar in Camden
V-rider: 102_3347
V-rider: Karen & Jill radio check
V-rider: Jill & Ralph post flight
V-rider: Jill & Ralph post flight
V-rider: Ralph & Raggz plane
V-rider: Ralph with Jill's Pitts S2B
V-rider: Raggz Dreams
V-rider: Jill signing autographs on last day in Camden
V-rider: Karen ready to fly Raggz' Pitt's S2B
V-rider: flying patterns for today
V-rider: Taxi to runway
V-rider: Jonathan & Jill strapped in
V-rider: Ready for takeoff
V-rider: Jonathan & Raggz
V-rider: Job well done
V-rider: Instrument check
V-rider: Dad watching
V-rider: Jonathan climbing in
V-rider: buckle up
V-rider: Checking the straps and emergency chute in the Pitts S2-b