vratsab: Praha/ Prag HARANTOVA - Dominikanska Gasse/ Dominikanska ulice IMG_2358
vratsab: PRAHA/ PRAGUE/ PRAG, The Church of Our Lady beneath the Chain of the End of the Bridge kostel Radu Maltezskych rytiru IMG_2371
vratsab: PRAHA/ PRAGUE, The Church of Our Lady beneath the Chain of the End of the Bridge/ Rad Maltezskych rytiru IMG_2372
vratsab: Praha / Prague/ Prague - Mala Strana, Mostecka a Sv. Mikulas / St.Nicolas and Mostecka Street IMG_2387
vratsab: Praha / Prague/ Prague, Detail Malostranske Mostecke veze Karlova mostu Bridge Tower Charles Bridge IMG_2393
vratsab: Praha / Prague/ Prague, pohled z Karlova mostu na Kampa from Charles BridgeIMG_2395
vratsab: To see Prague / Prag / Praha IMG_2400
vratsab: Praha/ Prague/ Prag , Vitezna z Ujezda IMG_2355