mimisip: sonoma 076
mimisip: A tree near where we pitched our tent
mimisip: sonoma 083
mimisip: sonoma 084
mimisip: Trees at the campsite
mimisip: Trees at the campsite
mimisip: Trees at the campsite
mimisip: Morning hike
mimisip: Hiking a mountain on Sunday morning
mimisip: Hiking a mountain on Sunday morning
mimisip: sonoma 001
mimisip: sonoma 002
mimisip: sonoma 004
mimisip: sonoma 005
mimisip: sonoma 006
mimisip: The spectacular view from the top
mimisip: sonoma 009
mimisip: sonoma 010
mimisip: Almost there. . .
mimisip: The spectacular view from the top
mimisip: sonoma 013
mimisip: sonoma 018
mimisip: The spectacular view from the top
mimisip: sonoma 020
mimisip: sonoma 021
mimisip: sonoma 024
mimisip: sonoma 029
mimisip: Hiking to the top was made worth it
mimisip: sonoma 003