vortexsurfer.k: View from 86' floor of Empire State Building
vortexsurfer.k: View from 86' floor of Empire State Building (2)
vortexsurfer.k: Manhattan view,towards "Statue of Liberty"
vortexsurfer.k: TRAMONTO AL JFK
vortexsurfer.k: TRAMONTO AL JFK(2)
vortexsurfer.k: Touching the grey sky in NYC:breathless!
vortexsurfer.k: Times Square's dazzling colours of the night
vortexsurfer.k: Christmas on the 6th avenue.
vortexsurfer.k: How small are our eyes in New York City...
vortexsurfer.k: Sliding cars on the Brooklin Bridge
vortexsurfer.k: Downtown from Brooklin Bridge
vortexsurfer.k: Canal street,subway.
vortexsurfer.k: strane rifrazione aeree...
vortexsurfer.k: Christmas on the 6th avenue.(2)
vortexsurfer.k: allucinazioni a Manhattan(o..dove sono?)
vortexsurfer.k: ritorno a Manhattan
vortexsurfer.k: frozen leaves(la morte ibernata)
vortexsurfer.k: frozen leaves(2)
vortexsurfer.k: l'attesa mai ferma
vortexsurfer.k: freddi riflessi a Central Park
vortexsurfer.k: correre a Central Park
vortexsurfer.k: l'oceano a Greenwich
vortexsurfer.k: tramonto a Greenwich
vortexsurfer.k: New york night sky
vortexsurfer.k: tramonto sulla 6th avenue(l'ultimo!)
vortexsurfer.k: New Jersey and Manhattan from Ellis Iland
vortexsurfer.k: la mia regina
vortexsurfer.k: Manhattan from 'Top Of the Rock'
vortexsurfer.k: Manhattan from 'Top Of The Rock'(2)
vortexsurfer.k: Manhattan from 'Top Of The Rock'(3)