vorack: Me wearing my JBBP jacket
vorack: Airport to Japan
vorack: Going to baseball game
vorack: Chaperones with cameras
vorack: Lions mascot
vorack: Friends on the subway with their stuffed toys
vorack: black board of questions
vorack: one half of the class
vorack: the other half of the class
vorack: friends at school
vorack: my sensi
vorack: john drinking water
vorack: Volley Ball
vorack: japanese baseball
vorack: Japanese School Lunch
vorack: other friends at my school
vorack: koz and ballons
vorack: Amanda
vorack: Koi
vorack: Koi stalks a duck
vorack: Koi
vorack: Stefano rings the temple bell
vorack: Wash Bad Spirits
vorack: Woman with Iguana on her head
vorack: Smoke Luck
vorack: Japanese Menu
vorack: Sign for the Golden Stilt guy.
vorack: This is the french acrobat on stilts
vorack: french acrobat on stillts
vorack: French Acrobat Guy