cstieb: undefined
cstieb: who caught the bouquet?
cstieb: maiden 1 & 9
cstieb: undefined
cstieb: Happy birthday Brock
cstieb: bridge
cstieb: a beautiful friday evening
cstieb: before - continued
cstieb: almost done...
cstieb: Who knew that after leaving the round table, Arthur headed to the kitchen...
cstieb: after - Happy Thanksgiving...
cstieb: before
cstieb: coffee
cstieb: happy hour
cstieb: undefined
cstieb: undefined
cstieb: model T
cstieb: mmmm...stuffing
cstieb: lunch
cstieb: breakfast courtesy jillian
cstieb: eating on a train
cstieb: undefined
cstieb: Jillian's birthday dinner
cstieb: chillin
cstieb: it snowed