vonguard: rm14.jpg
vonguard: rm139.jpg
vonguard: It begins
vonguard: Chicks and Computers
vonguard: Making stuff
vonguard: rm134.jpg
vonguard: rm133.jpg
vonguard: Look what I found
vonguard: Digging for Treasure
vonguard: rm130.jpg
vonguard: rm13.jpg
vonguard: Green
vonguard: rm128.jpg
vonguard: Junk Sale
vonguard: Scott
vonguard: rm125.jpg
vonguard: Lunchbreak
vonguard: rm123.jpg
vonguard: Steve, Jason, and Robert
vonguard: Great conversations in April
vonguard: What's in there!?
vonguard: Box full of hard drives
vonguard: 2008
vonguard: rm118.jpg
vonguard: rm116.jpg
vonguard: rm115.jpg
vonguard: Toxic Skull, Art made by Greenpeace later modified to play video by Scott Mills and Allen Williams
vonguard: rm113.jpg
vonguard: rm112.jpg
vonguard: rm111.jpg