Vonesh-Balcomb: James River State Park, Group camp ground
Vonesh-Balcomb: Dutch oven Blueberry cobbler
Vonesh-Balcomb: Jason and the travel guitar
Vonesh-Balcomb: Chirs and mandolin
Vonesh-Balcomb: Jason and Chris jamming
Vonesh-Balcomb: Chris and Jason jamming around campfire
Vonesh-Balcomb: Savannah plays around campfire
Vonesh-Balcomb: A man, his son, and his campstove
Vonesh-Balcomb: Asha and hot chocolate
Vonesh-Balcomb: A man, his partner, and his campstove
Vonesh-Balcomb: Asha and Lilly
Vonesh-Balcomb: Asha warms by fire waiting for hot chocolate
Vonesh-Balcomb: swinging in the hammock
Vonesh-Balcomb: Asha warms for kickball
Vonesh-Balcomb: flood plain thistle
Vonesh-Balcomb: Young trackers conclude "a dog"
Vonesh-Balcomb: Hatchling slider
Vonesh-Balcomb: Anna and the slider
Vonesh-Balcomb: Jason as pack animal
Vonesh-Balcomb: Lily meets cricket frog
Vonesh-Balcomb: Asha at the marsh edge
Vonesh-Balcomb: Eastern Newt
Vonesh-Balcomb: Apple flowers
Vonesh-Balcomb: wildflower
Vonesh-Balcomb: Phlox and pollinator
Vonesh-Balcomb: Dogwood and redbud in understory
Vonesh-Balcomb: Meghan and Anna
Vonesh-Balcomb: Sophia, Chris and Savannah