Vonesh-Balcomb: Phrynobatrachus kreffti, male, Dodwe stream, East Usambara Mts
Vonesh-Balcomb: Phrynobatrachus kreffti, Emau Hill stream, 9-2007
Vonesh-Balcomb: Rana angolensis at lower Dodwe stream
Vonesh-Balcomb: Arthroleptides martiensseni, Dodwe stream, Amani, 9-2007
Vonesh-Balcomb: Schoutadenella, from Amani east forest plots
Vonesh-Balcomb: H. mitchelli
Vonesh-Balcomb: Hyperolius argus, female
Vonesh-Balcomb: Hyperolius mariae, gold mine stream in Turaco trail Monga forest
Vonesh-Balcomb: Hyperolius puncticulatus, female, mbomole Hill, ANR, 9-22-07
Vonesh-Balcomb: Afrixalus uluguruensis, sm stream crossing road to Mbomole village, ANR, 9-24-2007
Vonesh-Balcomb: Leptopelis barbouri, forest trail below Amani village, trail transect 2, 9-17-2007, ANR c
Vonesh-Balcomb: Leptopelis barbouri, forest trail below Amani village, trail transect 2, 9-17-2007, ANR e
Vonesh-Balcomb: Leptopeis uluguruensis, Mbomole Hill, ANR, 9-22-07
Vonesh-Balcomb: Leptopelis parkeri, male, calling, forest near stream headwaters on Mbomole Hill, ANR, East Usambara Mts
Vonesh-Balcomb: Leptopelis vermiculatus, green-brown color morph intergrade b
Vonesh-Balcomb: Nectophrynoides tornieri female (obs eggs through side of body), Mbomole Hill, ANR, 9-7-07
Vonesh-Balcomb: Usambara pitted pygmy-chameleon (Rhampholeon temporalis), Mbomole Hill, ANR, 9-7-07
Vonesh-Balcomb: Callulina kreffti, Mbomole Hill, ANR, 9-22-07
Vonesh-Balcomb: Usambara pitted pygmy-chameleon (Rhampholeon temporalis) in Sigrid's hand, Mbomole Hill, Amani Nature Reserve, East Usamabaras
Vonesh-Balcomb: Bufo braini, Mbomole Hill, ANR, 9-7-2007
Vonesh-Balcomb: Kinyongia vosseleri (male)
Vonesh-Balcomb: East Usambara two-horned chameleon (Chameleo fischeri fisheri) female, roadside below NIMR, Amani
Vonesh-Balcomb: Hatchling two-horned chameleon (Chameleo fisheri fisheri), Mbomole Hill, middle road transect, ANR, 9-16-2007 c
Vonesh-Balcomb: Kinyongia matschiei (Male)
Vonesh-Balcomb: Kinyongia matschiei (Usambara two-horned chameleon) along road to Mbomole, 9-24-07 c
Vonesh-Balcomb: Leptopelis vermiculatus, metamorph, Amani NR, Nov 2001
Vonesh-Balcomb: Leptopelis vermiculatus, Male, Amani NR, Feb 2002
Vonesh-Balcomb: Nectophrynoides tornieri
Vonesh-Balcomb: Nectophrynoides tornieri,hand, Amani NR, Jun 2002
Vonesh-Balcomb: Nectophrynoides tornieri, foot, Amani NR, Jun 2002