vondage: Derby Conference Centre
vondage: The sunken lounge, where the celebrations took place
vondage: Table decorations and pumpkin centrepieces
vondage: Our beautiful vegan wedding cake
vondage: The lecture hall, where the ceremony took place
vondage: Table name and centrepiece
vondage: Our order of the day
vondage: Paul reading the order of the day
vondage: Our flower woman Monnie
vondage: Our entrance, covered in leaves, petals and seeds
vondage: Ceremony
vondage: Our vows
vondage: It's real!
vondage: Laughing over a snotty tissue
vondage: Signing the register
vondage: It's really, really real!
vondage: Walking out, overjoyed!
vondage: Part of the hugging parade, also known as receiving line.
vondage: Our confetti women!
vondage: Confetti!
vondage: More confetti!
vondage: Even more confetti!
vondage: Buckets of confetti!
vondage: Literally jumping for joy!
vondage: Love
vondage: Confetti leaves, petals and seeds caught in Fran's hair
vondage: Bound together
vondage: A toast with awesome siblings
vondage: Our cake toppers, with the party behind
vondage: The seating plan