Volpin: Routered parts
Volpin: Mitered edges
Volpin: Cabinetry
Volpin: First half complete
Volpin: Handle roughing
Volpin: Lower reciever and handle
Volpin: More mitered edges
Volpin: Bevel
Volpin: Bevels mounted
Volpin: Old tools
Volpin: Drum mag
Volpin: DSC_0022
Volpin: Grip/pump
Volpin: Magazine in place
Volpin: Wood hardener
Volpin: Wood hardener
Volpin: Sight kit
Volpin: Inside structure
Volpin: Inner sight
Volpin: Sight nearly complete
Volpin: Mockup
Volpin: Mockup
Volpin: "Barrels"
Volpin: Polyprimer
Volpin: Easier to work
Volpin: Easier to work
Volpin: Tabs
Volpin: BLAM
Volpin: BLAM
Volpin: Matrix mold START