voinovitch: my Rollei dreams for me
voinovitch: chair in garden
voinovitch: ttv test-shots with my fathers Rollei
voinovitch: Heidosomat
voinovitch: block of concrete and tree
voinovitch: abandoned military exercise-area
voinovitch: A foggy and rainy day
voinovitch: scope
voinovitch: scope II
voinovitch: scope III_er aber machte seine Engel zu Winden_he however changed his angels into winds
voinovitch: scope IV
voinovitch: a farm`s backyard
voinovitch: 12% reduction
voinovitch: South German landscape (ideal version)
voinovitch: South German landscape (real version)
voinovitch: seat, shawl, light
voinovitch: red cable
voinovitch: dripping water-tap
voinovitch: self with what I call "scope"
voinovitch: drying gloves on heater
voinovitch: a flickrette at work