voinovitch: clean traffic lights!
voinovitch: waste-worker
voinovitch: in M`s nursery
voinovitch: my father`s tools
voinovitch: R.K. - a workmate
voinovitch: orthopedist
voinovitch: workplace _ lugar de trabajo
voinovitch: Obrero_Granada
voinovitch: after work
voinovitch: Hommage
voinovitch: " ... I wanna know, whether my daughter is well. Half year ago, that she left us with this strange man. Don`t like him; something cruel in his face. No message from her since them. Jesus Christ, unbelievable, what people throw away; here this green slime
voinovitch: 316-365 gardener building a garden-path during rainfall
voinovitch: no a la censura--no to censorship
voinovitch: pan de cada dia
voinovitch: voinovitch in the trees