stevevoght: The early bird gets stalked
stevevoght: Go Sounders!
stevevoght: Daisy at Linden Orchard
stevevoght: Jasper <3 beast blanket
stevevoght: Classing up the 'hood
stevevoght: Fountainhead, Woodland Park Rose Garden
stevevoght: Not a rose
stevevoght: Jasper in the tall grass
stevevoght: Lounging in the pool
stevevoght: New employees in the garden
stevevoght: Philosopher Frog ponders, "Are they still called ladybugs if they have man-bits?"
stevevoght: The center of the city is surprisingly on a quiet side street...
stevevoght: Seattle skyscraper summertime seaside sunset
stevevoght: Modern-day fossil
stevevoght: The neighbor cat is stalking us
stevevoght: Zoo peacock, by Coralyn Voght. (yes, my daughter now takes better photos than I do…)
stevevoght: Surely you can't be serious...
stevevoght: Baby, it's cold outside...
stevevoght: Where, oh where could the geocache be?
stevevoght: Someone was hitching a ride on the 358 Metro this morning to stay warm...
stevevoght: Bellyflop
stevevoght: Say hello to my little friend...
stevevoght: A crappy shot of Matthew Good
stevevoght: Heather sees Mr T. I see Fu Manchu. Who do you see?
stevevoght: First harvest of monstrous Black Beauty Zukes
stevevoght: First of about 6 million potatoes we'll be harvesting this year
stevevoght: Go Sounders!
stevevoght: Any suggestions for a 4+ lb zucchini?
stevevoght: Seattle 2, Vancouver 0
stevevoght: S'mores... or something to that effect