stevevoght: Red-Winged Blackbird with cattail tufts
stevevoght: Northern Shoveler
stevevoght: Brants and American Wigeons foraging
stevevoght: Sanderlings
stevevoght: Barrow's Goldeneye
stevevoght: Female Lesser Scaup
stevevoght: Floatilla of Greater Scaup, Columbia River at Wanapum Dam
stevevoght: Adult Herring Gull
stevevoght: Female Greater Scaup
stevevoght: Red-tailed hawk 1
stevevoght: Common Merganser (female)
stevevoght: Male Common Merganser
stevevoght: Common Goldeneyes
stevevoght: Female Mallard 1
stevevoght: Mallards on glassy ponds
stevevoght: Great Blue Heron facing into the wind
stevevoght: Male Wood Duck
stevevoght: Female Wood Duck in the tall grass
stevevoght: Buffleheads
stevevoght: American Coot
stevevoght: Canada Geese
stevevoght: Green-winged Teal
stevevoght: Female Red-Breasted Merganser
stevevoght: Male Red-Breasted Merganser
stevevoght: Marymoor Park 2008-02-18 (26 of 37)
stevevoght: Kubota Gardens (25 of 35)
stevevoght: Red-shafted Northern Flicker at McLean Park
stevevoght: Close-up Robin
stevevoght: Male Anna's Hummingbird
stevevoght: Double-Crested Cormorant fishing near Marsh Island