ht_vogel: fireweed (IMG_7853)
ht_vogel: IMG_7852
ht_vogel: fireweed (IMG_7885)
ht_vogel: Arctic fir and Bearberry/Kinnikinnick (IMG_7888)
ht_vogel: Bearberry/Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) IMG_7843
ht_vogel: yarrow (IMG_7835)
ht_vogel: butterfly (?Western Tailed Blue) IMG_7887crop
ht_vogel: Twinflowers (IMG_7859)
ht_vogel: soapberry (IMG_7882)
ht_vogel: Soapberry (IMG_7855)
ht_vogel: Soapberry (IMG_7856)
ht_vogel: purple gentian & "pumpkin" berries (Northern Comandra) IMG_7865
ht_vogel: Gentian (IMG_7861)
ht_vogel: Bearberry & "pumpkin berry"(Geocaulon lividum) IMG_7840
ht_vogel: Geocaulon lividum/Northern Comandra berries (IMG_7834)
ht_vogel: Geocaulon lividum/Northern Comandra berries (IMG_7839)
ht_vogel: tiny flowers of Northern Bog Orchid (IMG_7867)
ht_vogel: Red Bearberry (Arctostaphylos rubra) IMG_7863
ht_vogel: Red Bearberry (Arctostaphylos rubra) IMG_7864
ht_vogel: Labrador Tea (IMG_7876)
ht_vogel: low-bush/mountain cranberries--not ripe yet (IMG_7878)
ht_vogel: low-bush/mountain cranberries--still green (IMG_7877)