ht_vogel: Yellow Mountain Heather (Phyllodoce glanduliflora) IMG_7406
ht_vogel: Yellow Mountain Heather (Phyllodoce glanduliflora) IMG_7407
ht_vogel: Arctic Bell Heather (Cassiope tetragona) IMG_7412
ht_vogel: Arctic Bell Heather & Caltha-leaved Avens (Geum calthifolium) IMG_7528
ht_vogel: Yellow Mountain Heather & Arctic Bell Heather (IMG_7456)
ht_vogel: Arctic Bell Heather (Cassiopeia tetragona) IMG_7411
ht_vogel: Red leaves due to fungus infection of arctic bell heather (IMG_7501)
ht_vogel: Red leaves due to fungus infection of arctic bell heather (IMG_7467)
ht_vogel: Yellow mountain heather & Arctic bell heather (IMG_7455)
ht_vogel: Arctic bell heather (and yellow mountain heather) IMG_7458
ht_vogel: Arctic bell heather (Cassiopeia tetragona) IMG_7439
ht_vogel: Columbine (IMG_7440)
ht_vogel: Columbine (IMG_7442)
ht_vogel: Bunchberry (dwarf dogwood) IMG_7478
ht_vogel: Reindeer Moss (lichen) IMG_7482
ht_vogel: Reindeer Moss (lichen) IMG_7471
ht_vogel: Reindeer moss (lichen) IMG_7496
ht_vogel: Reindeer moss (lichen) & Lycopodium clavatum (club moss) IMG_7490
ht_vogel: Lycopodium (clubmoss) & reindeer moss (lichen) IMG_7472
ht_vogel: Cup lichens (Cladonia sp.) IMG_7495
ht_vogel: Cup lichens (Cladonia sp.) IMG_7527
ht_vogel: Prickly Saxifrage (IMG_7414)
ht_vogel: starflower (IMG_7509)
ht_vogel: bearberry (Kinnikinnick) in bloom (IMG_7485)
ht_vogel: bearberry (Kinnikinnick) in bloom (IMG_7427)
ht_vogel: mountain cranberry (IMG_7511)
ht_vogel: Spirea? (IMG_7491)
ht_vogel: Paintbrush and Fleabane daisy (IMG_7422)
ht_vogel: Paintbrush (IMG_7432)
ht_vogel: Paintbush & Potentilla (IMG_7433)