Jeremy Brooks: And When We Kiss My Mind Sees Stars
Jeremy Brooks: Stone Cold
fotofix: 3 Eyes
h.koppdelaney: Messenger
h.koppdelaney: Sadness is a Raven's Heart
Life Reflections ♥: “They say when you are missing someone that they are probably feeling the same, but I don't think it's possible for you to miss me as much as I'm missing you right now” ~ Edna St. Vincent Millay
Ben Heine: James
Thomas Hawk: Cruising
hkvam: stay cool
Sareni: Maribor
Thomas Hawk: Legs in Red
Jeremy Brooks: What You Don't Got You Can Keep
Jeremy Brooks: The Long Long Ago
dragonflydreams88: mmmm chocolate . . .
Thomas Hawk: One and a Half Eyes
Jeremy Brooks: The End Is Near
Ben Heine: The Beauty and the Dead - 1
Bob Byington: '53 Ford
the-father: beyond
.Ken Foto: shirt reflection
Jeremy Brooks: Life Would Be Lonesome
fotofix: A Bike enjoyes the sun in a small River
Jeremy Brooks: Three Miles To Go