VMOS: Belfast innit
VMOS: st annes planet
VMOS: Rose planet
VMOS: waterfront planet
VMOS: shipyard planet
VMOS: Automobiles
VMOS: Massive anchor
VMOS: Samson 26-05-06
VMOS: Samson
VMOS: Foggy
VMOS: Cranes
VMOS: Exploding building
VMOS: Spring and Airbrake Boxing night
VMOS: Palm house interior
VMOS: Queens Planet
VMOS: Bowling - Botanic park
VMOS: Waveney planet
VMOS: Canadian Goose - Waterworks, Belfast
VMOS: Tern - Belfast docks
VMOS: 10 08 06 Botanic Gardens
VMOS: Hungry machine
VMOS: St Johns Private Nursing home
VMOS: Suddenly Clarence realised, he was in a swan bar!
VMOS: Planet cavehill
VMOS: Finally some good comes out of a Northern Ireland election campaign
VMOS: The Albert Cock
VMOS: Crane Planet