vmi63: Anticipating Spring -
vmi63: Yellow-Rumped Warbler
vmi63: Mockingbird in the Marsh
vmi63: Marshy Creek Wetlands
vmi63: Eastern Bluebird
vmi63: Eastern Painted Turtle
vmi63: Osprey
vmi63: Eastern Pondhawk
vmi63: Seed Globe
vmi63: Dragonfly
vmi63: Common Sanddragon
vmi63: Kayaks Waiting at Marshy Creek
vmi63: Barn Swallow
vmi63: Dianthus armeria — Deptford pink
vmi63: Cloverleaf Jellyfish
vmi63: The Kent Island Bridges viewed from the Observation Platform
vmi63: Egrets along the Lake Knapp Shoreline
vmi63: Kayak on the Floating Dock
vmi63: Boardwalk on the Trail Around Lake Knapp
vmi63: The Marsh at North Point
vmi63: The Pavilion