Kit.Snaps: Adding Ingredients to the Mixer
Kit.Snaps: Washing Hands
Kit.Snaps: Scraping the Mixer
Kit.Snaps: Cutting the Dough
Kit.Snaps: Weighing the Dough
Kit.Snaps: Separating the Dough
Kit.Snaps: Starting to Shape the Dough
Kit.Snaps: Shaping the Dough
Kit.Snaps: Pinching the Dough
Kit.Snaps: Folding the Cloth
Kit.Snaps: Covering the Loaves
Kit.Snaps: Uncovering the Challah
Kit.Snaps: Brushing the Challah
Kit.Snaps: Loading the Loaves
Kit.Snaps: Scoring the Loaves
Kit.Snaps: Unloading the Trays
Kit.Snaps: Unloading the Second Row
Kit.Snaps: Unloading the Loaves
Kit.Snaps: Thank-You Wall
Kit.Snaps: Slicing the Bread