Veee Man: A lesson with a letter A
Veee Man: And here's the business of B
Veee Man: Crazy C, the cute coyote clone
Veee Man: Donatello's and David Duchovny's favorite letter
Veee Man: Elbbarcs is interesting - spell it backwards.
Veee Man: Full failure is not an option.
Veee Man: All that glitters is not gold.
Veee Man: Humdrum, humdrum, you're dum, I'm dum
Veee Man: Iguanas and insects are all idiots.
Veee Man: A Joyous Jubilee Gets Under Jurisdiction.
Veee Man: Keep in line, away from kryptonite.
Veee Man: L is lost in the luggage.
Veee Man: It's all a matter of M
Veee Man: Ordinary openings for ostriches now available
Veee Man: Peace of sight, peace of mind
Veee Man: There's four Q's in the korner.
Veee Man: The Royal R&R Railroad is ready.
Veee Man: "And I ain't seen the sunshine"
Veee Man: Breaking news: Terrorist tomato trashes Tucumcari
Veee Man: Ultimate upheavel of this unspectacular universe
Veee Man: Ate lettur wurdz starting with V
Veee Man: Kurt Cobain: Oh well, whatever, nevermind
Veee Man: Xanadu is discovered in the X-chromosome.
Veee Man: Yesterday's gone, Today's here, Tomorrow's coming.
Veee Man: Mandelbrot, meet Z. Z, meet Mandelbrot.