Violent (ME): Kuala Lumpur Meeting of Characters 2008
Violent (ME): Painting the wall
Violent (ME): Painting the wall again
Violent (ME): Sketch & Fill in
Violent (ME): Half way to go...
Violent (ME): A little bit to go
Violent (ME): The City of KL
Violent (ME): Cloud, here I come
Violent (ME): The recipe for making cloud
Violent (ME): The Kapla (The Heads)
Violent (ME): The Organizers for Meeting of Charecter 2008
Violent (ME): The Malaysian
Violent (ME): Violent & Snooze enjoy the work after finish the job
Violent (ME): Kuala Lumpur Meeting of Charecters
Violent (ME): Free Bombing & Meeting of Charecters
Violent (ME): Malaysia Meeting Of Characters 2008
Violent (ME): The Panorama of Damai Wall
Violent (ME): The Full Wall Meeting of Charecters 2008
Violent (ME): The Atmosphere of Concrete Jungle
Violent (ME): Full wall free bombing sesion
Violent (ME): Kuala Lumpur Meeting of Characters 2
Violent (ME): Interview sesion
Violent (ME): sketches on wall
Violent (ME): fill in..
Violent (ME): rest..
Violent (ME): continue..
Violent (ME): in progress
Violent (ME): make some detail..
Violent (ME): still painting..
Violent (ME): arghh! dripping!! fuh..fuh.