vlmitchell1: double rainbow over Core Sound
vlmitchell1: sunset over oyster creek
vlmitchell1: rainbow and seagull
vlmitchell1: pelican
vlmitchell1: closer to the banks
vlmitchell1: pelican and core banks 2
vlmitchell1: pelican and core banks
vlmitchell1: old gas pump at Mr Percy's store
vlmitchell1: fence posts
vlmitchell1: Historic Cape Lookout Lifesaving Station
vlmitchell1: old firehose
vlmitchell1: rainbow and seagulls
vlmitchell1: the catch
vlmitchell1: sea grass (1 of 1)
vlmitchell1: sepia marsh
vlmitchell1: barn, davis