vleitholf: Saving the Saab 1
vleitholf: Saving the Saab 2
vleitholf: Saving the Saab 3
vleitholf: Saving the Saab 4
vleitholf: Bye...next time, park in the lot with everyone else
vleitholf: Looking down the creek
vleitholf: Pretty snow and stuff
vleitholf: Jon and Doug
vleitholf: Frozen Franklin Falls...it was snowing really hard
vleitholf: Franklin Falls 2
vleitholf: Last look at Franklin Falls
vleitholf: Cool ice
vleitholf: Looking out at the creek
vleitholf: Same picture, can't decide which one I like better
vleitholf: Trees
vleitholf: Woodpecker
vleitholf: Walking out
vleitholf: My camera isn't foggy, it was REALLY snowing