VladTheGreen: Very concentrated....
VladTheGreen: Preparing dinner.
VladTheGreen: Ready for marshmallows?
VladTheGreen: marshmallows....
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VladTheGreen: Very proud of his fire.
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VladTheGreen: Nothing better than playing in the dark, with a flashlight.
VladTheGreen: Preparing the terrain to see if racoons or skunks leave footprints.
VladTheGreen: Big area cleared to see if the forest wild animals leave foot prints.
VladTheGreen: But the wild animals showed up on other spot: close to the fire and the food!!!
VladTheGreen: Organizing the games, before breakfast.
VladTheGreen: DSC_0145_A
VladTheGreen: Kids in line for pancakes.
VladTheGreen: The breakfast table.
VladTheGreen: What's going on over there?
VladTheGreen: Boys, discussing about dinosaurs and Transformers
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VladTheGreen: One section of the camping, in hte morning.
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VladTheGreen: Silly faces, why not?
VladTheGreen: Let's go for a hike!
VladTheGreen: The hiking team.
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VladTheGreen: Panorama of the river