VladTheGreen: El cepillo de dientes de Lia, bien chascón.
VladTheGreen: Cumpleaños de Lia
VladTheGreen: Setup para el Cumplea#os de Lia. Setup for Lia's birthday
VladTheGreen: Preparacion para el cumplea#os. Setting for the birthday celebration.
VladTheGreen: DSC_1467
VladTheGreen: Preparacion para el cumplea#os. Setting for the birthday celebration.
VladTheGreen: Preparacion para el cumplea#os. Setting for the birthday celebration.
VladTheGreen: DSC_1482
VladTheGreen: DSC_1497
VladTheGreen: DSC_1504
VladTheGreen: DSC_1512
VladTheGreen: DSC_1513
VladTheGreen: DSC_1514
VladTheGreen: DSC_1517
VladTheGreen: Llenando la pi#ata
VladTheGreen: DSC_2001
VladTheGreen: DSC_2003
VladTheGreen: Llenando la pi#ata
VladTheGreen: DSC_2007
VladTheGreen: Se nota que esta feliz? Can you tell if she's happy or not?
VladTheGreen: DSC_2009
VladTheGreen: Decorando la torta. Decorating the cake.
VladTheGreen: Lia con su espada (el palo e la pi#ata). Noten la parada. Lia playing with her sword: the pi#ata stick. Please note the way she is standing
VladTheGreen: Jugando a tirar la cuerda: ni#as versus ni#as. The tug of war : girls versus boys
VladTheGreen: Las ni#as ganaron! Girls won!
VladTheGreen: Darwin y Max
VladTheGreen: Arkadi jugando con los ni#os. Arkadi playing with the kids
VladTheGreen: DSC_2023
VladTheGreen: DSC_2024
VladTheGreen: Los ni#os viendo una procesion de motocilistas. The kids watching a Hurley bikes parade