vladhed: IMG111
vladhed: IMG110
vladhed: IMG140
vladhed: IMG113
vladhed: IMG142
vladhed: IMG114
vladhed: IMG115
vladhed: IMG116
vladhed: IMG117
vladhed: Self portrait
vladhed: IMG119
vladhed: IMG120
vladhed: "Funkytown" is now ghosttown
vladhed: Acres and acres of empty cubes
vladhed: IMG124
vladhed: 3rd floor XA-Core captive
vladhed: My first cube - same as in 1995
vladhed: IMG131
vladhed: CBTel
vladhed: Succession XA-Core Captive
vladhed: The old Succession lab
vladhed: Passport 15000 and OC3 express
vladhed: Even Tim's is closed now
vladhed: IMG137
vladhed: chain so soldiers don't fall in
vladhed: IMG139
vladhed: C-Store
vladhed: Lab 5 West
vladhed: Lab 5 Cafe
vladhed: L3 cafe from 2nd floor