Vlad the Impala: Does my butt look big in this?
Vlad the Impala: Munching
Vlad the Impala: My Winston Churchill Impression
Vlad the Impala: Lazybeests
Vlad the Impala: Snoozeybeests
Vlad the Impala: Rudolph Takes A Break
Vlad the Impala: How Many Days Until Christmas?
Vlad the Impala: Clean your windows?
Vlad the Impala: Rudolph Chillin' Out...
Vlad the Impala: Dog Tired
Vlad the Impala: On The Hill
Vlad the Impala: ickle deer
Vlad the Impala: Waterhole 1
Vlad the Impala: Waterhole 2
Vlad the Impala: Waterhole 3
Vlad the Impala: Ignoring You
Vlad the Impala: Go Away - I'm Asleep
Vlad the Impala: Go Away - I'm Still Asleep
Vlad the Impala: Blackheads...
Vlad the Impala: African Wild Dogs
Vlad the Impala: King of the, er, Safari Park...
Vlad the Impala: Lionesses
Vlad the Impala: I can smell bones...
Vlad the Impala: Girls on the Hill 1