vlachmore: Christophoros and Paul
vlachmore: Improvisation for 4 hands!
vlachmore: Party time
vlachmore: Happy as usual!
vlachmore: Shooting each other
vlachmore: Gregor DJing
vlachmore: UK_and_Thailand_2
vlachmore: All_world_together
vlachmore: Europe_1
vlachmore: Rest_of_the_world_1
vlachmore: some_action
vlachmore: the_rest_of_the_world_taking_the_sun
vlachmore: Img0616
vlachmore: Img0621
vlachmore: Scottish landscape
vlachmore: Hlias and myself
vlachmore: Giwrgos and Hlias
vlachmore: Hlias
vlachmore: Winnie the Scotsman
vlachmore: Walking down the alley
vlachmore: Hlias and myself
vlachmore: Paul and me
vlachmore: Mother and the castle
vlachmore: Graduating!!!
vlachmore: Georgia and Paul
vlachmore: DSC_0005.JPG
vlachmore: DSC_0012.JPG
vlachmore: DSC_0015.JPG