$$-- Vee --$$: Late Show
$$-- Vee --$$: Mr. Clean
$$-- Vee --$$: Museum of Natural History
$$-- Vee --$$: Times Square
$$-- Vee --$$: Empire State of Mind
$$-- Vee --$$: No Bullsh!t
$$-- Vee --$$: Washington Square
$$-- Vee --$$: The lights of Time Square
$$-- Vee --$$: Times Square at night
$$-- Vee --$$: Times Square at night
$$-- Vee --$$: Night at the museum
$$-- Vee --$$: Almost there
$$-- Vee --$$: Trois Couleurs: rouge, blanc et bleu
$$-- Vee --$$: I'm on a bridge
$$-- Vee --$$: In memory of
$$-- Vee --$$: Oh so Grand
$$-- Vee --$$: Wall Street