Vincent Kan: Zombies...
Vincent Kan: Keep Away
Vincent Kan: Mmm, Turtle
Vincent Kan: Chomp!
Vincent Kan: Choco~
Vincent Kan: Down the Hatch!
Vincent Kan: Chomp! #2
Vincent Kan: Arisa and the Headless Turtle
Vincent Kan: Success
Vincent Kan: It's Cig Time
Vincent Kan: Poor Turtle
Vincent Kan: Lil' Richard Prepares for Battle
Vincent Kan: Anime is Serious Business
Vincent Kan: And So Is A Children's Card Game
Vincent Kan: Seriously
Vincent Kan: I'm On Top Of... 4 Floors
Vincent Kan: US Cellular Field
Vincent Kan: Men in the Kitchen
Vincent Kan: Julian's Galbi
Vincent Kan: Hot Potstickers