vjl: August 1, 2012
vjl: August 2, 2012
vjl: Looking up.
vjl: Into the Light
vjl: Empty Box
vjl: Window Cat
vjl: Retro Computing
vjl: Weather over Brevard
vjl: Behind the Scenes
vjl: Reach for the Sky
vjl: A Blur
vjl: Pinwheel of Books
vjl: Night Sky....really
vjl: It's Tough Being a Shadow
vjl: Painted Road
vjl: Country Road, Instagram Style
vjl: Retro Watering Can
vjl: Rocky Surveys Her Territory
vjl: HDD2 Failure
vjl: Wet Flower
vjl: Pentagenia Vittigera
vjl: Mothra
vjl: Sushi Time!
vjl: Multi-Fan
vjl: Bad Spellers of the World, Untie!
vjl: Interesting Find
vjl: Very Green
vjl: Roland Hope
vjl: Yellow Bus, Green Woods
vjl: Storm and Sod