vjl: Lake Toxaway, NC
vjl: Blue Ridge Mountains
vjl: Queen Mary life boats
vjl: I-40 in Flagstaff, AZ
vjl: Icelandic Poppy
vjl: Frozen branch
vjl: Tufted Titmouse on Takeoff
vjl: Zoom-Zoom!
vjl: Barred Owl on the Parkway
vjl: My Backyard
vjl: Dark, Creepy Trees
vjl: More falls at Williamson Creek
vjl: Sunset over the Western North Carolina Mountains
vjl: Biltmore Blacksmith
vjl: Another for LaDeeDah Lu
vjl: Warehouse
vjl: Do the Dew, part Deux
vjl: Foggy Forest
vjl: Spring Glow
vjl: Fall in Western North Carolina
vjl: Dark-eyed Junco perched above the snow