vj_pdx: Echo with some earlymorning reading
vj_pdx: Nigella hides in the backpack
vj_pdx: Daphne on the back deck
vj_pdx: Echo defends the back porch from stray cats
vj_pdx: Daphne
vj_pdx: Echo surveys his kingdom
vj_pdx: Echo
vj_pdx: Natasha
vj_pdx: Evil cat in a bike basket
vj_pdx: Cats in the window
vj_pdx: Cute but needs less food
vj_pdx: Daphne
vj_pdx: Follette in the cat tower
vj_pdx: Nigella plots evil
vj_pdx: Echo
vj_pdx: Natasha & Nigella
vj_pdx: Do you want to take a picture of my nose?!
vj_pdx: Follette