vixen.wottitz: Who is the odd one out?
vixen.wottitz: Don't act like you are not looking at me, human.
vixen.wottitz: Club IMAGE - Klotho - The treat of fate
vixen.wottitz: Taking a trip
vixen.wottitz: A sudden swamp of butterflies...
vixen.wottitz: Is it very bad of me to laze while the domestic rabbits are working hard, cleaning?
vixen.wottitz: Very glad to get the good news.
vixen.wottitz: Good morning... I think I felt asleep here last night...
vixen.wottitz: Going round and round...
vixen.wottitz: Where's my rare item! ARRRGHHHH!
vixen.wottitz: Shopping!
vixen.wottitz: Paying respect...
vixen.wottitz: Singing... la laaaa la la laaaaaaa
vixen.wottitz: To enter or not to enter... mmm...
vixen.wottitz: Waiting for our rides to be here... yawn...
vixen.wottitz: Mew... Is everyone drugged? Looks like I have arrived at Sleepy Land.
vixen.wottitz: Let me take your ache away...
vixen.wottitz: Mystical...
vixen.wottitz: Meow... enter if you dare...
vixen.wottitz: Lazy Sunday for Sleeping Beauties...
vixen.wottitz: Food's here... where are you?
vixen.wottitz: Game ON!
vixen.wottitz: PARTYYYY!
vixen.wottitz: Resting cat
vixen.wottitz: Sleepy Time...
vixen.wottitz: i got a dai-kichi (great blessing)! May my wish comes true!
vixen.wottitz: If we have to fight to determine if "You are mine" or if "I am yours"...
vixen.wottitz: Resisting the urge to pluck out all the white hair