Missy Vix™: blood on my hands...(damn papercut!)
Missy Vix™: Aaaaaaarrrgghhh.......
Missy Vix™: vampyre
Missy Vix™: my inner demon...
Missy Vix™: you hurt me, you hurt me real bad.....
Missy Vix™: bang bang he shot me down
Missy Vix™: my bloody valentine
Missy Vix™: mmmmm.......
Missy Vix™: gorgeous feet = pain
Missy Vix™: headless.....
Missy Vix™: this is what happens when you loose a bitch fight!!
Missy Vix™: Good morning everyone!
Missy Vix™: Happy Unvalentines Day ;)
Missy Vix™: Sacrificed!
Missy Vix™: mmmm.....blooooood :D
Missy Vix™: "Her blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself."
Missy Vix™: youch!
Missy Vix™: last one....
Missy Vix™: I pledge allegiance to the underworld.
Missy Vix™: Oh, Lord! Help this sinning woman see the sin of her days and ways. Show her that if she had remained sinless, this curse of blood would never have come on her!
Missy Vix™: smile like you mean it
Missy Vix™: You don't need eyes for where we're going.
Missy Vix™: Dismemberment;