Bailet Audrey:
Paint in 1984
Bailet Audrey:
Bridge structure
Bailet Audrey:
The blue bridge turn gold
Bailet Audrey:
Vegetation in jail !
Bailet Audrey:
Living in the city...
Bailet Audrey:
The lost sheep...
Bailet Audrey:
Laughing mask of the city
Bailet Audrey:
Urban spring II two weeks later
Bailet Audrey:
Urban Cross on the ground
Bailet Audrey:
Urban spring
Bailet Audrey:
Lilac on stairs
Bailet Audrey:
Blooming palm tree
Bailet Audrey:
Today, the wind bring more lilac petals :)
Bailet Audrey:
Red fire
Bailet Audrey:
Last ray of light
Bailet Audrey:
Cold evening
Bailet Audrey:
A phenix feather ?
Bailet Audrey:
Nocturnal sun IV...A bit later
Bailet Audrey:
Nocturnal sun III
Bailet Audrey:
Bailet Audrey:
Crossing the line...
Bailet Audrey:
Just be yourself
Bailet Audrey:
Urban fall
Bailet Audrey:
Arbre pelé . Peeling tree.
Bailet Audrey:
Bonjour Nice ! Good day Nice !
Bailet Audrey:
Mouillé ! Wet !
Bailet Audrey:
Baies humides. Wet berries.
Bailet Audrey:
Bailet Audrey:
Bailet Audrey:
Vintimille : Beauty is everywhere