ashley365project: Day 8: Coffee.
SaylaMarz: Warm Hands, Cold Heart.
cindyloughridge: Work harder to appreciate your ordinary day
Patrick Barber: Bringing yoga back
meg.eden: "O, swear not by the moon"
Joel Robison: Oh The Places You'll Go
SaylaMarz: Precipice.
SaylaMarz: Every Minute of Every Day, You Don't.
Joel Robison: N is for Nerdy Note
Joel Robison: Nature's Canvas
Faerie Girl: [as if no one were watching]
Faerie Girl: S.O.S. (Save Our Species)
SaylaMarz: Walking With Your Ghost.
SaylaMarz: The Latch Heard Round the World.
SaylaMarz: Where my Heart Lies.
diyosa: so very pina.
SaylaMarz: Snow in Summer.
diyosa: Coffee's a great way to fool yourself into believing you're going to have a productive day.
diyosa: Enjoy excessively huge camera life!
Paradox-Pictures: 355/366 Last Night Shot?
SaylaMarz: A Quiet Space to Build a Dream.
diyosa: Enjoy New Portra 400 Life!
cindyloughridge: The magic of everyday things
diyosa: enjoy coffee while waiting for film to be developed life!
picture prefect: my latest weekend project - for baby Mackenzie
diyosa: Enjoy Public Transportation Life!
diyosa: Enjoy Muffin & Magazine Life!