LotusMoon Photography: Golden-crowned Kinglet
LotusMoon Photography: on golden pond...
LotusMoon Photography: It's molting season!
LotusMoon Photography: mellow yellow
LotusMoon Photography: Princess of the pond
LotusMoon Photography: Curious blue jay
LotusMoon Photography: A step in the right direction
LotusMoon Photography: Barn owl at the 2nd Flock Party
LotusMoon Photography: Our resident swan...fenced in
LotusMoon Photography: Smile on Saturday...One Eye
LotusMoon Photography: Looking at you...
LotusMoon Photography: Bright and Beautiful!
LotusMoon Photography: Great Horned Owl
LotusMoon Photography: Down it goes! I can't believe it!
LotusMoon Photography: Today's fresh catch
LotusMoon Photography: Just minding my own business...
LotusMoon Photography: Easy when you're a duck
LotusMoon Photography: Happy as a duck!
LotusMoon Photography: Peaceful morning on the pond
LotusMoon Photography: I've been spotted!!!!
LotusMoon Photography: may my heart always be open to little birds who are the secrets of living - e. e. cummings
LotusMoon Photography: A morning visitor
LotusMoon Photography: Happy in the morning light
LotusMoon Photography: Blending in...