mnlamberson: Ack! He's still there..
mnlamberson: Gold and Snow
mnlamberson: Sparrow in Owl stare down
mnlamberson: What a day its been...
mnlamberson: No one will notice...
mnlamberson: Unexpected savannah sparrow
mnlamberson: On the prowl.
mnlamberson: Solitude
mnlamberson: Harrier Slice
mnlamberson: Vole protection roll
mnlamberson: Amercian Bittern
mnlamberson: Grebe in the fog
mnlamberson: Song Sparrow
mnlamberson: Northern Shrike
mnlamberson: Northern Flicker
mnlamberson: Short-tempered Owls
mnlamberson: Whoooo. me?
mnlamberson: Wave bye now...
mnlamberson: Flicker Rules to Live By #1
mnlamberson: Banking
mnlamberson: Northern Harrier
mnlamberson: Tropical Kingbird
mnlamberson: "The Look"
mnlamberson: Diving Troical Kingbird
mnlamberson: Tropical "Muscle Beach" Kingbird
mnlamberson: Landing...
mnlamberson: Attitude, eh?
mnlamberson: S-T-R-E-T-C-H those wings
mnlamberson: Take-off