vitorspencer: Daphne in Antwerp
vitorspencer: Daphne and Vitor in Antwerp
vitorspencer: Antwerp
vitorspencer: Hilton Hotel in Antwerp (with rainbow)
vitorspencer: Daphne and Vitor in Antwerp
vitorspencer: Daphne and Vitor in Antwerp
vitorspencer: Fireplace at the cafe
vitorspencer: Fireplace at the cafe
vitorspencer: Daphne and Vitor chilling at the cafe
vitorspencer: Daphne and Vitor chilling at the cafe
vitorspencer: Daphne and Vitor chilling at the cafe
vitorspencer: Daphne and Vitor chilling at the cafe
vitorspencer: Vitor chilling at the cafe
vitorspencer: Vitor chilling at the cafe
vitorspencer: Vitor chilling at the cafe
vitorspencer: Vitor chilling at the cafe
vitorspencer: Daphne chilling at the Cafe
vitorspencer: Daphne at the cinema
vitorspencer: Vitor at the cinema
vitorspencer: Daphne at the cinema
vitorspencer: Daphne at the cinema
vitorspencer: Daphne at the cinema