solecism: kat on a windowsill
solecism: buckle up.
solecism: i will not obsess over flickr while it's down.
solecism: fallen.
solecism: diwali
solecism: when pigs fly...
solecism: and visions of cheez doodles danced in her head.
solecism: late at night, we ramble
solecism: eunice's view (looking down, looking up)
solecism: sun lamp.
solecism: i started wondering, 'what's the point?'
solecism: josh
solecism: the sky's the limit.
solecism: eunice
solecism: seeing spots
solecism: classic cola.
solecism: sparkling like tiny suns.
solecism: honey honey
solecism: thievery
solecism: happy flickrversary, to me.
solecism: welcome to new jersey.
solecism: ne me quitte pas
solecism: ripe
solecism: one day we will make our escape.
solecism: turn on the bright lights.
solecism: come closer.
solecism: 'tis the season