Yousef Aisheh: Muayed Tuoqan
Yousef Aisheh: a really strong woman!
Yousef Aisheh: Time is my only enemy
Yousef Aisheh: Hard life
Yousef Aisheh: OLD IS GOLD
Yousef Aisheh: Don't Speak
Yousef Aisheh: My world, my frame, my thoughts
Yousef Aisheh: Together
Yousef Aisheh: The joy of memories
Yousef Aisheh: With Shisha!
Yousef Aisheh: enjoy e:)ating
Yousef Aisheh: The Stern
Yousef Aisheh: Thoughtful
Yousef Aisheh: The Perfect Tailor
Yousef Aisheh: Its life
Yousef Aisheh: Line of Concern
Yousef Aisheh: hardly surviving
Yousef Aisheh: adel-alaa
Yousef Aisheh: راضٍ ومتوكل على الله Satisfied
Yousef Aisheh: in love with his land
Yousef Aisheh: Smoker with Thoughts!
Yousef Aisheh: Dreams Should've came true
Yousef Aisheh: Sometimes, Life is so funny ...
Yousef Aisheh: Through the Eyes of This Old Man
Yousef Aisheh: "Without words"
Yousef Aisheh: No one feels my pain
Yousef Aisheh: Serious!
Yousef Aisheh: Steely Gaze!
Yousef Aisheh: Silver man
Yousef Aisheh: when lips are speechless ,, eyes will talk !