Shades Misa: Bushy Ass Trees
Shades Misa: Some Dudes @ whammy bar
Shades Misa: BEHEMOTH Transmission Room 10/04/2010
Shades Misa: CLUTCH Kings Arms 17/02/2010
Shades Misa: St Benedicts
Shades Misa: GOATWHORE Transmission Room 10/04/2010
Shades Misa: BEHEMOTH Transmission Room 10/04/2010
Shades Misa: CLUTCH Kings Arms 17/02/2010
Shades Misa: CLUTCH Kings Arms 17/02/2010
Shades Misa: second roll through the Kiev
Shades Misa: second roll through the Kiev
Shades Misa: contact sheet (scan) - Clutch @ Kings Arms, 17/02/2010 (Wednesday)