Shades Misa: DSC_0027
Shades Misa: ancient history
Shades Misa: Queen St circa 1990
Shades Misa: these guys are sniffing glue
Shades Misa: reverseoverprintmagenta
Shades Misa: fail 4
Shades Misa: I don't know what this is for
Shades Misa: The Princess and the Pea
Shades Misa: OMG! BOKEH!
Shades Misa: Thing in my pocket
Shades Misa: Queen St's Most Amazing Foodcourt
Shades Misa: Queen St's Most Amazing Foodcourt
Shades Misa: holy hell, rock of fire
Shades Misa: holy hell, rock of fire
Shades Misa: Wharves
Shades Misa: Britomart
Shades Misa: Britiomart - new parking building
Shades Misa: Trans Future 6!
Shades Misa: Santos
Shades Misa: Wharves
Shades Misa: Removed
Shades Misa: Removed
Shades Misa: Britomart
Shades Misa: Customer Parking At Rear >
Shades Misa: Chemis
Shades Misa: Paper Power! (Dominon Rd Mt Roskill)
Shades Misa: Waitakeres
Shades Misa: pointing west
Shades Misa: still pointing west