BillT: My feet, post party - poor converses
BillT: My converses at the BCS
BillT: oxford trip
BillT: Feet on Traghetto, crossing Canal Grande
BillT: Splash
BillT: Feet. Canal. Water
BillT: In Indigo
BillT: feet on vaparetto #1
BillT: Family feet
BillT: converses on the grand canal
BillT: Shadow and feet, San Salvador
BillT: Feet
BillT: Converses, outside
BillT: Feet in new shoes
BillT: On the Tube, Victoria line
BillT: Heading down to the platform, Kings Cross
BillT: On the train to OpenTech, 0815 from Cambridge
BillT: Florians
BillT: feet on Parkers Piece
BillT: Florians Feet
BillT: Family snapshots
BillT: Outside the Red Lion, Westminster
BillT: Go Digital: Arsenale
BillT: Feet, Montparnasse
BillT: feet
BillT: foot and a pigeon in the pasticerria
BillT: Tower Bridge
BillT: feet and a pigeon in the pasticerria
BillT: my foot and hers
BillT: old shoes, new shoes